About SAGRI .
The SAGRI project, will allow agricultural workers to acquire the skills, knowledge and ability to understand and analyse agroenvironmental systems as natural ecosystems modified by human activity, though with an emphasis on environmental technologies that can be applied to achieve crop sustainable production by means of improved systems’ management.
The training modules will be based on the findings of WP2 (Analysis of skills needs for agricultural workers) to develop innovative and flexible techniques that respond to specific education needs of agricultural workers. The programme will abide by the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) and the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) standards..
Final Event by INASO – PASEGES and Agricultural University of Athens in Agrotica 2020
January 27, 2020SAGRI Training in Greece: Another round is being completed!
November 5, 2019Presentation of the SAGRI Project Training Course on Sustainable Agriculture in DGADR – Portugal
July 25, 2019Focus Group Meeting in Portugal
July 19, 2019SAGRI project starts!.

Kick-off meeting
The project’s activities were launched at the partnership kick-off meeting, held in the main administrative building of the Agricultural University of Athens, .
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European Commission
European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture (EISA)
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