Work package No. 1: Management and Coordination.
The objectives of this WP can be summarized as follows:
• Effective and concerted project implementation that will ensure a) that the project objectives are reached managed and disseminated in a coordinated and coherent manner, along with all technical activities and legal aspects and b) efficient management of time & resource allocation at consortium level and coordination of the Work Packages.
• Management of the project’s external relations, with EACEA and stakeholders.
• Ensure external input from actors in the field.
• Risk management and contingency planning.
Project implementation will be supervised by a management board. The management board will collaborate closely with the coordinator and the quality assurance committee (see WP6). All partners participate in the meetings and report regarding the project progress and possible issues that may arise.
Estimated Start Date |M1
Estimated End Date |M36
Work package No. 2: Analysis of skills needs for agricultural workers.
is the driver work package that will define the starting point for the forthcoming WPs and their tasks. The main objective is to analyse the skills challenges of agricultural workers based on existing research studies about specific-skills needs of agricultural workers. Partners will draw on existing and emerging skills needs in the agricultural sector with particular focus on “green skills” and “digital skills”.
Moreover, in this preparation WP, the EQF/ECVET/EQAVET features and technical principles will be defined and a guide will be prepared on the application of EQF/ECVET/EQAVET principles. The aim is to guarantee that all partners will become more familiar with the EQF/ECVET/EQAVET tools, strategies and recommendations and their relevance for working with end-users. The guide on EQF/ECVET/EQAVET will be an essential tool to guide partners during the design of the curricula (WP3) and the delivery of the training courses (WP5).
This WP delivers a detailed report on the specification of the training and certification needs of agricultural workers, a second report on the practical technological advancements of the agricultural sector and a guide on the application of EQF/ECVET principles.
Estimated Start Date |M2
Estimated End Date |M8
Work package No. 3: Development of the training, assessment and accreditation.
WP is central to the project implementation as it will deliver the major project results:
• Training modules, • Self-assessment tests, • Peer-assessment assignments. • Final exam.
The training modules will be based on the findings of WP2 to develop innovative and flexible techniques that respond to specific education needs of agricultural workers. The programme will abide by the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) and the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) standards. The aim of the SAGRI curriculum is to provide the agricultural workers the skills, knowledge and ability to understand and analyse agroenvironmental systems as natural ecosystems modified by human activity, though with an emphasis on environmental technologies that can be applied to achieve crop sustainable production by means of improved systems’ management. The SAGRI curriculum will integrate the latest advancements of the eco-innovation sector that can be immediately applied by farmers. Moreover, the SAGRI curriculum will be outcome-oriented in order to strengthen the link between the curriculum and work requirements, and will provide an interdisciplinary approach and the necessary basis for the delivery of the training programme (WP4). The SAGRI curriculum will be an OER available in all partners’ languages for consultation and/or download on the SAGRI OER platform (WP4), and reproductions will be printed and distributed to stakeholders during the multiplier events. Its development will be broken down into two activities described below and various working mechanisms will be set up and implemented by the lead partners, such as operational guidelines, action plans, deadlines, resource allocations, milestones, indicators for success. Additionally, these partners will be responsible for monitoring and quality control of the output by ensuring permanent guidance, revision, validation, and evaluation. All partners will play specific roles, contributing and supporting the development of the SAGRI curriculum.
Estimated Start Date |M8
Estimated End Date |M18
Work package No. 4: Development of the SAGRI Open Educational Resources (OER) platform.
aim of the SAGRI OER platform ( is to offer an interactive resource for promoting and virtual learning, making all training resources widely available as Open Educational Resources. It will raise national and European awareness of the project in order to ensure maximum outreach, longer impact and sustainability. The SAGRI OER platform will embed the “EU Project Websites – Best Practice Guidelines” (EC, DG Research and Innovation) and take advantage of the lasted HTLM5 good practice to create enjoyable, attractive and informative layout, contents, image sliders and subtle animations.
The SAGRI OER platform will create an accessible Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) that will contain the teaching and assessment material developed in WP3. It will also contain a Virtual Community space. In order to ensure user acceptance, the SAGRI platform will be assessed by the focus group in design meetings that will take place in each of the consortium countries.
The SAGRI platform will be linked to the SAGRI website. Also, in order to ensure visibility, all partners will be responsible to ensure detectable cross-linking between the SAGRI platform and their institutional websites so audiences can easily access it.
Estimated Start Date |M9
Estimated End Date |M19
Work package No. 5: Course delivery and pilot testing.
main objectives of WP5 are the delivery, pilot-testing, assessment and review of the trainee programme in Greece, Portugal and Italy. The training and assessment material developed in WP3 will be utilized and revised. At the end of this WP, it is expected that 1500 agricultural workers will be trained.
Milestones of WP5 :
• Training seminars for agricultural extension staff
• Training seminars for farmers
Estimated Start Date |M19
Estimated End Date |M36
Lead Organisation |P6-REGIBIO – Formação e Consultoria
Work package No. 6: Quality Assurance.
shall be assured by i) a Quality Assurance Committee that will be in charge of approving all SAGRI public documents and other outputs, ii) a Quality Assurance Plan, that will systematize all quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation activities, iii) a quality control process that ensures the continuous quality control. The quality assurance of the developed training content of the SAGRI projects will be differentiated from the assurance of the quality of the overall project results. The quality assurance of the delivery of the results of WP3 and WP5 will be based on EQAVET.
Estimated Start Date |M2
Estimated End Date |M36
Work package No. 7: Evaluation.
major goal of the evaluation WP is to collect data to improve the project and to ensure that it meets the proposed goals and achieves the outcomes. Evaluation is going to take place throughout project implementation and it will be both internal and external.
Estimated Start Date |M2
Estimated End Date |M36
Work package No. 8: Dissemination.
will be a targeted, systematic process that will not be left for the end of the project. It aims to:
- Transfer knowledge to the participating end-users .
- Identify and target policy-makers at different geographical levels (local, regional, national, European).
- Disseminate information on the project results and especially the SAGRI training modules and courses to the widest audience possible through targeted actions.).
- Use the knowledge from this project to promote sustainable agriculture, especially through actions targeted to decision-makers.
The consortium will agree on a detailed dissemination plan at month 6 after the beginning of the project. The dissemination plan for the participating countries will identify the relevant national & international stakeholders/strategic partners that will be targeted for this project and the journals/publications and conferences/workshops in which the partners will participate for the dissemination and promotion of this project. Additionally, a dissemination conference is going to be organised (together with the project final meeting), in order to present the project results to all interested parties.
Estimated Start Date |M1
Estimated End Date |M36
Work package No. 9: Exploitation.
will: - ensure sustainability of the major project’s results through the appropriate exploitation planning,
- identify obstacles which might prevent from achieving a successful exploitation to stakeholders, particularly agricultural workers and policy makers,
- continuous adjustment of the training design in order to fit with both new skills and new challenges in agricultural workers’ learning needs,
- ensure the evolution of the SAGRI virtual community, after the end of the project, with the involvement of policy makers, end-users, farmers and other stakeholders.