It was great honour to participate to the Third International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering (ISAE-2017) in the area of future development of the agricultural engineering. The symposium was organized by Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia in association with Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and University of Basilicata (Potenza, Italy), under the support of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng) and Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC).
Apart from invited speakers from Serbia and Europe, contributions from all interested scientists and professionals were also welcomed. For more details, please follow the link
If you want to see the paper of Pietro Picuno (University of Basilicata – Potenza, Italy) regarding the New Curricula and Teaching Programmes on sustainable agriculture for advancing the skills of agricultural operators,
Click Here