Free training programme for trainees in the use of modern technologies

SagriprojectNews & Events

Precision technology, remote sensing, integrated pest management in plant protection, agricultural reuse of organic residuals, drip irrigation and water-conserving technologies, renewable energy and its application, bioenergy and energy crops: those are the seven thematic modules to which every Greek framer can get trained to for free, through the European Erasmus+ project “SAGRI – Sustainable AGRIculture”.

With farmers being the end users, the Project aims in the first place to train agriculturalists, who will themselves transfer all valuable knowledge to farmers. The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), as coordinator of the Project with scientific director Professor Georgios Papadakis, in collaboration with Eurotraining Educational Organization will train the agriculturalists and farmers accordingly. PhD Candidate in AUA and participant in the Project Vaggelis Dimitriou mentions that “The AUA will train agriculturalists in the abovementioned thematic areas. Following that, the agriculturalists will be hired by Eurotraining to train the farmers through both a specially designed e-learning platform and practical application in the farm”.
Apart from all those positive actions, which prove that training farmers in modern technologies is the only way, the training material that will be developed, the e-learning platform, as well as the acquired knowledge of agriculturalists will remain available for every farmer who wishes to be trained, once the Project is completed.

For more information:–ekpaideutwn–gia–ti–xrisi–sigxronwn–texnologiwn/ (in Greek)